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Multiple Databases and ERP Support in Espresso V2.1

New UI, Multiple Databases, Applications & Cloud Services

Thanks to feedback from our users, we are pleased to release a new version of Espresso Logic. It comes with plethora of new features including:

  • Enhanced User Interface
  • Support for Multiple Databases
  • Support for New Databases
  • Support for New Applications
  • Support for New Cloud Services

If this is the first page of Espresso site you landed on, Espresso is the fastest way to create REST APIs across diverse enterprise data sources ? it is more than a pass through API. The Espresso API can enforce business logic and security using declarative reactive programming.

Enhanced User Interface

There are many changes in the user interface. The three main ones include:

  • New Short Menus
  • RESTLab/Resource Editor Navigation
  • New REST endpoint defintion

New Short Menus

The one change you will notice instantly is the new simple Short Menu (shown below on the left with steps to using it on the right) which is the new default.

short menu espresso Creating APIs is now even simpler for new users.

To get started, just Click on Create and you will see a list of databases supported.

If you want to test the Espresso services , we supply a version of Northwind you can use.

As soon as Espresso reads the database, it creates a REST API for your tables, views and stored procedures. The, it automatically takes you to REST Lab to test the API.

Next, you will likely want to create new REST endpoints ? endpoints include just the data you need for your client application. For that, select Customize and use the new resources editor to select your parent resource along with all the sub-resources. You can also select the attributes you want to select and give them client friendly names. Again REST Lab is the way to cliquishly test the API.

When you want to integrate multiple data sources, simply select Integrate and follow the prompts.

For most corporate applications, you would want to add Role, Row/Column level security and probably integrate it with your LDAP, AD or other corporate directory system. Click on Security to get started.

Last but not the least is creating the business logic for your applications. Espresso offers both server-side JavaScript and Reactive programming rules to make your life easier. Just click on Rules/JS and explore it.

RESTLab/Resource Editor Navigation

Since a common workflow is between the RESTLab and the Resource Editor, we?ve added buttons to:
  • Test Resources ? so you can make your change, click ?Test?, and see the result
  • Create / Edit Resources ? from the RESTLab, so you can create a new resource endpoints

New REST endpoint definition

You can now select Sub Resources from a list of  related tables.  This is faster and simpler especially for large databases and for cases when you are not intimately familiar with the data.

Support for Multiple Databases

Espresso has always supported multiple databases, but previously it required few lines of JavaScript. With this version, creating a REST API to multiple databases is a simple point and click exercise. Whether you want to join data across Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL,  MongoDB and so on, this feature is a big help. In order to make this work we have added the concept of Virtual Foreign Keys as described below.

Virtual Foreign Keys

You can now define virtual foreign keys between tables, even if those tables are not in the same database.
This is useful in at least two cases:
  • if your database is not using foreign keys (a common situation with legacy databases)
  • if you need to join data between two or more databases

Support for New Databases

Espresso continues to add support for more and more databases as per customer requirements. As of this release, we support the following databases:

MySQL Database                 Oracle Database

Microsoft SQL Server          Microsoft Azure SQL

Pervasive Btrieve                  PostgeSQL

NuoDB                                     HP Vertica

Support for ERP Applications

Needless to say, enterprise data is contained not just in relational and NoSQL databases but also in enterprise applications. Espresso now supports various enterprise applications and continues to enhance that list based on customer requirements. If you need to support an application that is not listed here, please contact us.

Microsoft Dynamics               SAP

NetSuite                                    Salesforce

Quickbooks                              Sharepoint

Support for New Cloud Services

Espresso offers you the utmost flexibility in deployment ? on premise, in the cloud in an Espresso instance or yours.

Besides support of Amazon Web Service and Microsoft Azure, we have added support forVMware vCloud Air

For on premise deployment, Espresso is available as a VMware appliance and so if you need to test Espresso behind your firewall, contact us to get an appliance and free 30 day trial.

We are in beta with Docker appliance. If you are looking for Espresso as a docker appliance, please contact us.

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valhuber contributed to this article